The Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory
Style Matters is a new conflict styles inventory similar to the TKI in that it has 5 conflict styles. Style Matters is a pyschometrically-validated 24 page conflict style inventory that shows users their preferred style of conflict management and provides detailed suggestions for each style. Several pages are devoted to each style, outlining strengths of that style and dangers of over-using it, and giving tips for working with people who favor this style. A unique feature of Style Matters is that it works for people from diverse cultural backgrounds since different instructions are given for users from individualistic and collectivist cultures.Combining a conflict styles inventory into a workshop that includes personality type or temperament can significantly increase the value of this Instrument in understanding how and why conflicts exist, as well as how to take advantage of these conflicts to succeed as a group.
Key Benefits
- Dramatically demonstrates how to use the different conflict-handling styles to effectively deal with clashes between co-workers, communication breakdowns, and power struggles
- Provides a pragmatic approach to conflict resolution
- Helps to initiate safe and productive dialogue about conflict resolution
- Demonstrates how honest differences of opinion on substantive business issues can set the stage for a larger, more comprehensive solution than originally imagined
- demonstrates different styles in handling conflict on a team, and how to use different styles at different times to take advantage of team diversity and differences of opinion
- Administered online for convenience, speed, and ease-of-use